In our second interview with the holder of the women’s Guinness World Record for the fastest cycle round the planet, we talk to Jenny Graham about
How her career has developed since she finished the ride and how she manages her time and energy
Her recommendations for choosing brands to work with
Advice to adventurers starting out on building a commercial career - summed up as ‘back yourself’!
Top tips for writing a book
How she’s proud to be a role model for women and girls in the world of adventure
And if you need Christmas gift inspiration, we couldn’t recommend Jenny’s book, “Coffee First Then the World”, enough! Follow the links below for more info.
If you missed part 1 of our chat with Jenny, you can catch up here, and to hear the rest of our podcasts and receive every blog as it’s published, make sure you subscribe now.
Connect with Jenny:
Buy her book, Coffee First, Then the World!
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