Ever find that the same issues keep coming up on your adventures and outdoor activities?
Time to take a serious look at things from a different angle
A while back we followed how performance coach and wilderness guide Adam Evans helps people develop the "mental muscles" they use on adventures. The testimonials he gets attests to the power of preparing your mind for the challenges ahead.
Well now we’ve managed to lure Bodhi Aldridge off his surfboard on the East Coast of Australia to talk about the mental (and, yes, spiritual) aspects of running an adventure business – or any business for that matter – that often get overlooked in the rush to get better qualifications, get more clients, get equipment ready for the day and do all the admin. We'll be sharing his insights when our podcast mini-series goes live in October. [The podcast is now live and you can listen here!]
It's powerful stuff and we love the calm and patient way he helps people understand themselves and the way they interact with the world so that they can better run their businesses.
3 things you can do now if this piques your interest:
Sign up to the Business of Adventure newsletter so we can let you know when the podcast with Bodhi goes live.
Go check out his podcast on True Freedom that goes live next Monday
3. If you're in the UK, watch the cult classic Point Break currently on BBC iPlayer for a few more days. Let the fictional surfing Bodhi inspire you before you meet the real deal! https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00dtjjp/point-break
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