What is the Business of Adventure blog?
Subscribe to The Business of Adventure blog to find out about the people behind adventures. Learn how they make a living and are growing a business from their passion for the outdoors. All delivered in podcasts & 5 minute reads.
Don’t come here to read about intrepid climbs, gnarly mountain bike adventures or perilous white water trips (or only in passing!). There are plenty of spaces to go for that.
Do come to learn from those who get others out on adventures, and how their experiences could help you build an adventure business.
Find out what sort of people they are. Get tips about what has worked and discover what they wish they had done with hindsight!
If you are an adventure guide or coach yourself, we hope you will learn from what others are saying. Even better, share your reflections and tips on what’s being discussed so we can all learn from each other.
If you aren’t a guide or coach, but do run your own business then we bet you’ll get ideas from these inspirational people to take back to your own firm. Read a few back articles and then subscribe if you’d like to keep in touch as new posts and ideas are shared.
For everyone else, get inspired for your next adventure, however big or small, by listening to the people who do it for a living.
Why subscribe?
Mainly because we know it’s hard to think about the adventure business you run when your life is so busy organising and running days for others. Subscribe and we’ll send you a dose of adventure business inspiration every fortnight or so. Who knows what ideas you will get. (And don’t worry, it’s free!)
Join the crew
Be part of a community of people who share your interests. If you like what other adventure guides and coaches are saying, let them know by liking the posts. Better still, say hi and join the conversation.
And if you’d like your adventure business to feature in a blog, or if you want to give writing for the Business of Adventure a go, please do email us at adventurecollective@substack.com
And finally..
The Business of Adventure is bought to you by The Adventure Collective. You can follow the Adventure Collective on: