Gift #12: No more work!
On the twelfth day of Christmas, the Adventure Collective is bringing you a gift that sounds too good to be true, inspired by Threshold Sports...
In this final gift, we return to our conversation with Tariq El Kashef, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Threshold Sports, an £8 million turnover company which employs 30 full time staff.
Tariq’s had a fascinating journey to get to where he is today, in a senior role in a thriving business. While it’s undoubtedly been hard work, he’s still incredibly passionate about his career and sums it up with the old adage: “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.
Key takeaways:
Career success and living your passion and purpose don’t have to be mutually exclusive
Invest in yourself and your skillset
Consider what your transferable skills are
So that’s it on your 12 gifts from the Adventure Collective. Or is it….?